Advocacy is difficult. Or is it
“Losing one life is a tragedy, losing a million is a statistic!”
Experts in the field of Advocacy immediately answer the question that the topic poses: Yes, Advocacy is difficult; but not insurmountable! Cameron Battley, a healthcare sector management consultant following his wealth of expertise talks about having Heart AND Head to becoming a formidable patient advocate.
The four principles taught by Cam are gems for any Advocate. Watch the full Masterclass and learn these key building blocks if you want to continue surviving and thriving in this sector.
Training of Advocates is a high priority for Campaigning for Cancer and the Patient Advocate Incubator is the primary tool and platform for all resources that can assist Advocates. This platform will allow participants from around the world, even Oman; to be educated in all skills to execute their mandate.
This platform is beneficial to both patients and advocates!
Learning activities and resources are located in the Online course section under Module 1: Building a Strategy in Five Steps. Each session will have an overview with an introduction summarizing what to expect, the core learning resources, and what you will need to do. We look forward to meeting you and working with you on this very exciting learning journey!