HTA (Health Technology Assessment) Workshop Series
Many LMICs strive to provide healthcare coverage despite limited resources and inadequate capabilities for evidence-informed decision-making. Health Technology Assessments (HTA) is a multidisciplinary process that encompasses assessments of the safety, efficacy, effectiveness, cost, and benefit of the utilization of health technologies to aid decision-making in the specific environment. Due to contextual constraints influencing effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, specific HTA outputs are not always easily transferable (Padmasawitri 2022; Heupink 2022), especially not from high-income countries to lower income environment. Furthermore, multistakeholder appraisal committees in each country generally base value judgments deliberation of societal implications in the local context and unintended consequences of the technology in addition to the results of the evidence-based technology assessment.
Learning activities and resources are located in the Online course section under Module 1: Building a Strategy in Five Steps. Each session will have an overview with an introduction summarizing what to expect, the core learning resources, and what you will need to do. We look forward to meeting you and working with you on this very exciting learning journey!